Seb Astien

Writer of science fiction stories

Français  English

The writer


Seb Astien is a young writer entering his fourth decade. Nothing predestined him to be an author.

He started out with a serious handicap: for a long time he didn’t like to read. It was only a few years ago that he decided to cure this affliction. In particular, to discover worlds that are often adapted for other media. His favourite genre has long been science fiction.

A poor reader for years, he has always had a penchant for writing. He used to love talking about his various hobbies and passions on websites, forums and now blogs. Telling stories was also one of his hobbies. He once improvised a science fiction universe during role-playing sessions, drawing on various sources of inspiration. After years of hesitation, he realised that writing a book wasn’t that complicated if you had something to say. Well, almost.

And so, since 2023, Seb Astien has been calling himself a writer, with his first science fiction books to his credit. He is also active on L’Atelier des Auteurs, where you can find other works.